The New York Stock Exchange May reopen in phases beginning in May

new york
The New York Stock Exchange might reopen in phases after May 15, two sources who were on a conference call with NYSE Chief Operating Officer Michael Blaugrund told CNN Business. The sources also say the timing could change.
Blaugrund was speaking with NYSE employees, heads of firms and brokers on the 40-minute call. He said when the floor does open, there will be a reduced head count on the floor and social distancing guidelines will be followed, according to the two sources.
The NYSE closed its trading floor in March temporarily and shifted to fully electronic trading to prevent the spread of coronavirus. The move came shortly after the NYSE sent an update to traders informing them that two people — a member of the trading floor community and an NYSE employee — tested positive for the virus.
The same protocol that the NYSE followed just before the floor closed will also be in effect, meaning temperature checks for anyone entering the building, according to the sources.